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Can Chiropractic Care Help Osteoarthritis?

Hands grasping knee in painThe short answer is very much so.

Arthritis is a complicated diagnosis. There are many types of joint diseases and problems that fall under this heading that have vastly different causes.

Some, like Rheumatoid Arthritis, can be systematic (attacks the whole body), inflammatory (marked by red hot, swollen and inflamed joints) and very painful condition.

Osteoarthritis (OA) has two types. Both are degenerative process where the surface of the joints is worn away. The repair mechanism of the joint, for reasons that are not well understood, does not keep up with the daily damage done to the joints.

In most cases, this is centered around one joint or a cluster of joints. OA can also be systemic; that is wear and tear of both hips, both knees, etc.

As with many things in life OA will affect everyone differently, even though it is the same condition. As a result, there can be a number of things to consider.

If other joints around the affected joint can have their function improved, then there will be less physical pressure on the joints that are degenerating. Many people report improvement when the diet is addressed. Also ensuring that the ‘chain of motion’ of the whole body is kept sound brings good change for many people.

Always check with the chiropractor about a person’s particular case as everyone is different. We have a good amount of low-force techniques that can be most helpful for those who have joint issues.

If you know someone with arthritis who seems to be coping poorly, suggest that they call our office for a consultation.

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