Spinal problems are always ‘complex’. This is a scientific term that means comprised of a number of different components. An injury cannot be a ‘muscle’ problem or a ‘joint’ problem or even a ‘nerve’ problem because these injuries usually develop over time, are specific to your individual shape and strength and of course have a ‘run on’ effect, causing all the other structures around the injury to change and alter.
Over time the joint that didn’t move results in muscle weakness for those muscles that move the joint, but were unable to, and of course for the nerves that report to the brain about the position and movement, but have not done so properly for the 3 years since the injury began.
Just as I said, complex.
Complex perhaps but not in a way that cannot be assessed and improved by a chiropractor. This is what we do, restoring the body to working well and enabling it to return to the job of healing.
Herein lies an interesting role for me. Interpreting what a client has been told by their GP.
Recently a client came to see me having had pelvic pain for a long period of time. They relayed to the GP the symptoms and said that they had noticed that their pelvis was low on one side, wanting to know if the years of pain could be linked to a ‘twisted pelvis’.
‘Everyone has a twisted pelvis’, the GP replied and the conversation was over.
I hear stories like this on a weekly basis and my overriding perception is that I feel disappointed for both parties.
GPs have a huge role in trying to help us when we are sick, injured and trying to prevent disease. They have two main tools, drugs and surgery, and they have to assess if the client is best served by the correct application of one of these two approaches.
After suggesting anti-inflammatory pain killers and rudimentary exercises they have little further to offer and feel frustrated. They cannot refer for surgery, obviously, and don’t really have many further options. Besides which, many people with lower back pain have a twisted pelvis – correct.
Chiropractors are famous for helping with lower back pain and restoring normal function which allows the body to heal. Painkillers and anti-inflammatories don’t improve healing rate, they mask the problem and stop the body from achieving proper healing.
If you or a family member has a twisted pelvis it is important to find out why. Ask them to call us to find an answer to this frustrating, painful condition.