
Author Mark King
No one knows this better than author Mark King, a client of Inspired Chiropractic, who has just published his second novel, ‘Doom – a Daniel Jones story‘.
Mark will tell you that as a professional author, writing for a living is a difficult and challenging life. Discipline and routine form the bedrock of success for him which means lots of time at the desk.
Over the years Mark has developed strategies to help boost creativity, reduce boredom and prevent injury. Along with regular Chiropractic care Mark varies where he sits (his home office, cafes, bookshops and other venues) as well as setting out strict times to complete tasks before changing posture, position and taking exercise.
Exercise and movement plays an important role in creativity and Mark has found that he needs to schedule time to push his body. Exercise can really break the cycle of metal blocks and allow new perspective on difficult parts of his manuscript.
Mark has enjoyed great success with his first novel ‘Frenzy – a Daniel Jones story’, and spends a lot of time speaking to school groups, doing radio interviews and keeping up with his internet followers.
Second in his book series is Daniel Jones Doom – the action adventure of Daniel Jones which continues with a life or death struggle to save Daniel Jones’ father.
Mark came to writing from a very active role and has found that sitting has taken a big toll on his structure. He has suffered from several severe and painful episodes, often linked to long work hours and stress. His experience has taught him to value the separation between work and recreation and that building exercise into his leisure time is a good way to reduce the effects of computer work.
Mark is excited to be releasing his new book and has offered a copy, together with a copy of his original book ‘Frenzy – a Daniel Jones story’, to Inspired Chiropractic to give away!
If you would like to be entered to win, just place your name in the competition box and we will draw the winner at the end of the month. Entry is free. (Ts &Cs can be obtained from reception).